
© All pictures and text are mine. So please don't use them without my permission.

November 24, 2013

A finished page!

It looks like I only could concentrate on Call of the Raven this week. That's not completely the case. I have been knitting almost every evening on Man! I feel Like a Woman! But pictures don't do the shawl justice, because there are a lot of stitches on the needle and you really can't see the design. I have completed chart three now and started to knit chart three another time to make the shawl bigger.

Call of the Raven kept my attention too, so I could finally finish the page I have been working on. To give you an idea about the amount of stitches:

Chart is 450 x 600 = 270.000 stitches
Done : 450 x 470 = 211.500 stitches
That is 78,3 %

If I want to have it done within two years it means I have to add 2437 stitches each month. Until now I add about 1000 stitches a month. Going on like this means it won't be finished until the year 2017 (!).


Corina said...

Prachtig Joke, en je hebt je deeldoel toch nog snel bereikt. Maarre... je berekening... nu weet ik weer waarom ik het met de fretjes niet heb uitgerekend...

Chris said...

Gorgeous progress!!

Tania said...

Het is een prachtig werk!
Rustig verder doen, je niet laten opjagen en plots merk je dan dat die af is!

Pauline said...

*zucht* wat mooi, succes met al die mooie steekjes die nog gaan komen.
